Main information
In September, 2013 took place presentation of the new genaration of overfill prevention control device EUS-2, in TIMM Elektronik GmbH, the producer, head office.
Overfill Prevetion Controller EUS-2 is designed in compliance with European standard EN13922 and US standard API RP1004 for tank truck with bottom loading.
Therefore full compatibility to various counterpart truck equipment in different wiring configurations is ensured for world-wide operation.
The new EUS-2 Controller, which on the begining of the year 2014 superseded the device EUS-1, automatically identifies the type of level sensors (five-wire or two-wire sensors) as well as the type of grounding control (with or without ground recognition device) when connected to the tank truck and activates the required operating mode automatically. Up to 8 two-wire sensors (of optic or Thermistor type) or 12 five-wire sensors can be controlled by the EUS-2 Controller. Beside the status of the level sensors and the proper electrostatic grounding of the tank truck is tested and correct connection of the vapour recovery hose is continuously monitored. The consistent monitoring of all preconditions for filling realise ensures the safety of loading process. Bright and distinctly visible signal lights indicate the state of filling release. In addition all operating states are displayed as plain text messages on a large, multi-functional graphic display.
The new Overfill Prevention Controller EUS-2 permanently performes an auto-diagnosis of all safety related internal components and the external wiring. In combination with two self-monitored, redundant control outputs, highest functional safety of the loading process is granted. Furthermore EUS-2 is equipped with several extra features such as additional control outputs, which are optionally configurable to different opearting modes, and a serial data bus interface serving for an optimum control and signalling during the filling process according to individual customers’ needs.
Further Features and Improvements
- EUS-2 is designed Ex-proof in accordance with latest standards related to European directive 94/9/EC (ATEX 95).
- For gas hazardous areas of zone 1, gas group IIB.
- User-friendly type of protection enables device to be opened for configuration and maintenance in hazardous areas.
- Extended operating temperature range from -40oC to +60oC.
- The bright LED signal lights are far-away visible in a wide angle range of 180o.
- The multi-functional operational graphic display also serves for simple menu-guided and self-explaining device configuration. Several character sets for different languages are available.
- Wide range of accessory equipment available, e.g. an Exi disconnector socket with an electronic parking socket for signalling “Truck Connector in Parking Position”.